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Silma, Italy

Silma was owned by Bauer from 1965 to 1981 and was still producing projectors for Bauer after 1981. Therefore a couple of "Bauer"-products are partly or completely "Made in Italy" (=by Silma), e.g. the Bauer TR 200 Retro Sound Projector. On the other hand there are rumors that Bauer used the name "Silma" to distribute some of its own products in Italy.
Silma stopped producing super8-devices in approx. 1986.

Bauer and Silma produced a lot of projectors for store-chains and other companies, e.g. the Bolex SM8, the Eumig 933-Series, all Rollei-Super8-projectors (except for the "Rollei P 8400 S"), ... . Same applies to the cameras.