Visual Instrumentation Corporation Model SP-1R Cine 8 Camera
Visual Instrumentation Corporation Model SP-1R Cine 8 Camera
Special purpose super slow motion camera
Variable speed 10 fps to 250fps(?)
Pin registered
C-mount lens
Heater built in to film chamber
Please edit this page if you have any more information about this odd camera, especially when you know the differences to the Visual Instrumentation Corporation Model SP-1 Cine 8 Camera
"Visual Instrumentation Corporation Model SP-1 Cine 8 Camera", nicknamed "VIC".
This camera was designed between the years 1971 & 1972 by 2 engineers Maurice Amesbury and Jack Van Vonderen -both of whom were working for Milliken (Teledyne) at the time- both, thereafter, went on to form "Mekel Engineering", the company who built the camera. The "Visual Instrumentation Corporation" were the distributor, handled maintenance and sold the camera for "Mekel". The Cine-8 was both companies first product.
110 of these cameras were made between the years 1972-1982. The serial numbers begin at 1200 and end at 1310, 1310 being the last camera sold in 1982. Cameras were built to order.
It's the same camera as the "Weinberger Cine-8 Model SP-1", Weinberger were the European distrubutor of the V.I. Cine 8. Approximately 10 cameras were sold in Europe.
It can actually film as fast as 300fps but it is advised that the limit be 250fps, the super 8 cartridge spindle is liable to melt above this speed.
It is not the same camera as the Mekel 300, that is a Polavision camera made exclusively by Mekel.
Offered on eBay January 2009 for 2000 GBP (no bids) with a mention that this camera can still be serviced by Gil at VIC, 1110 West Avenue L-12, Unit 2, Lancaster, CA. USA 93534-7039.
eBay Auctions[edit]