Fuji Fujicascope SD-20 2-Track Projector
From Super8wiki
Fuji Fujicascope SD-20 Quartz Super 8 Projector
Years: 1981-82
Sound: Magnetic (record & playback, both tracks - see comments)
Lens: Zoom lens 1:1,3 f=15-30 mm
Lamp: 150W/15V (EFR)
Reel capacity: 240m
Speed: 18 and 24fps, adjustable
Dimensions: approx. 315mm x 190mm x 372mm
Weight: approx. 11kg
Made in Japan
Prices on eBay:
- eBay Germany:
- EUR 112,00 (+ EUR 10,90 shipping) in 05/2023
Made in Japan by Yelco, same as Yelco Sound DS-810MT Super 8 2Track Quartzmatic Projector
Only sold in Japan and hence with all buttons labeled in Japanese.
- Sound: When using the projector's internal amplifier and/or internal speaker, you'll "only" get "duoplay sound" as both tracks get mixed down to a single monophonic output. However, you can also get the unamplified sound of both tracks on separate connectors. When feeding these signals through an external stereo-amplifier (with two loudspeakers attached), you can even get stereophonic sound with this projector.
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