Category talk:Braun

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The article is not really correct, because there were 2 german companies selling Super 8-cameras: the Braun AG, as mentioned in the article, and another company: "Carl Braun Camera-Werk", Headquarters in Nürnberg. For Carl Braun Nürnberg have a look to or

Cameras like the MZ-1005, MZ-1070, OXL 540 ... were sold by Braun Nürnberg. I do not believe, that they constructed these cameras themselves, I think they were imports from Japan or somewhere else, but these gadgets were not produced by the Braun AG.

As far as I know all Braun AG-cameras were sold under the "Nizo"-label. Projectors, splicers and editors made by the Braun AG did not wear the "Nizo"-label, but were sold as "Braun"-equipment. Such gadgets as Braun FK 1-Splicer, Braun SB-1 and - 2-Viewer and the Visacustic projectors ar real products of the Braun AG.

So it's unfortunatly a little bit difficult to classify the "Braun"-products.

Best Regards --Harald1954 06:32, 10 June 2007 (PDT)

Harald Vonhoegen Aachen, Germany