Canon 310 XL AF
From Super8wiki
"Canon 310 XL AF" aka "Canon AF310XL"
Year: 1983-1983
Weight: 590 g
Lens: Canon zoom 1,0 / 8,5 - 25,5 mm
Auto Focusing
Auto / Manual Zoom
Frame rates: 18
Shutter degree: 217
Auto Exposure
No sound
3 X AA batteries
Made in Japan
Original prices:
- Western Germany, 1983: 463,-DM (approx. 230 EUR)
Prices on eBay:
- eBay USA:
- US$50 in 08/1999
- eBay Germany:
- EUR 12,50 (+ EUR 6,90 shipping) in 05/2013 (camera in original box - most likely never used, but untested and hence sold as "broken")
The camera in Canon's virtual museum
"Silent" version of the Canon 310 XL-S AF
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