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Rumors, myths, gossip, ... this page is going to contain all of them


There are several cameras/projectors/... that only showed up in some articles/ads, but only seem to exist as a prototype, e.g. the Canon 2018 Autozoom Electronic, the Elmo 1012 C-CON, Aäton's Super8-camera, ... . Sometimes the prototypes don't have a name or only showed up in one article. If this the case, it should be added to this page rather than creating a new entry in the wiki:

  • Did Sankyo ever build a Single8-camera? An article about Single8 in "Modern Photography" 8/1965 says so and even mentions that it has got a zoom lens and that it's smaler than the previous cameras by Sankyo. Nevertheless this camera never got mentioned anywhere else again?!
  • your myth here

Special versions

Surveilance cameras

Several cameras exist in two versions: in a "normal" one and as a "surveillance" version, e.g. the Eumig 300 XL and the Eumig 300 XL Bank or the Fujica ZR400 and the Fujica ZR400 Memomotion. Since the "surveillance" versions didn't show up in the "normal" catalogues, it's hard to find out whether a specific camera was sold in two versions or whether it got modified by a third party. If you do find such a camera with a "dubious" history, you might want to add it here instead of creating a new entry in the wiki.


These are some facts:

  • Pentacon converted some of its Double8-cameras to the Double-Super8-format (e.g. s. Pentacon Pentaflex 8 (Super8)
  • Bolex still converts the 18fps-only Eumig Nautica to 24fps
  • Mike's cams offers several modifications for several cameras
  • several companies offer/offered projectors modified for telecining or modified them for Xenon (or brighter) lamps
  • ...

Nevertheless some modifications are only rumors, like:


Rumors that don't belong to the above sections:

  • There are several "rumors" in the German "Schmalfilm"-magazine and in Jürgen Lossau's books that the COMECON-countries didn't know magnetic soundtracks for Super8. Nevertheless several companies like fipra offer striping with both the (West-)German "Agfa F5"- and the (East-)German "ORWO 112"-material. So either the rumor is incorrect or the Orwo-material was only for export to "Western" countries.
  • On's forum there's a posting about a Super8-film that's still produced by "Kim Tschek" in Wonsan, North Korea, and that's e.g. available in Taiwan. Even though the manufacturer seem to exist, it's still unclear whether this Super8-film really exists or not.
  • Even though China used its own Super8-like film (8.75mm width film with Super8-perforation), there are some rumors about Chinese Super8-cameras/projectors produced for export. Nevertheless these goods never got mentioned with model-names, details, ... . Hence they're most likely only rumors (unlike Chinese 16mm-projectors that got shown on various "photokina"-trade fairs in Germany).
  • There's a new company in France about to manufacture a 40 ASA Kodachrome replacement. There's going to be sound cartridges as well but it's going to be sold only to people aged 90 or over with a letter of introduction signed by both parents.