Beaulieu 6008 S

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Beaulieu 6008 S

Year: 1979-1983

Lens: Schneider 1,4 / 6 - 70 mm (removable c-mount lens, also sold with other lenses)

Auto / Manual Zoom with 3-10 s.

Ground Glass Focusing

Macro focusing

Manual / Auto Exposure

Frame rates: 4,9,18,24,36,56 + single frame

Shutter degree: Var.


Lap dissolve of 90 frames

Interval timer with 1,10,30 second intervals

Remote control socket

Flash contact

Weight: 1280 g

Single-system sound

Auto / Manual Recording Level Control

6 X AA batteries

Original prices:

  • Germany 1984:
    • body only: 3978,-DM (approx. 1989,- EUR)
    • body + Beaulieu-Zoom Makro 1,4/6,9-55: 5186,-DM (approx. 2593,- EUR)

Prices on eBay:

  • eBay USA:
    • US$840 in 7/1999
    • US$640 in 8/1999
  • eBay Germany:
    • EUR 211,50 (+ EUR 7,00 shipping) in 01/2006
    • EUR 755,00 (+ EUR 11,90 shipping) in 01/2006
    • EUR 224,01 (without shipping) in 01/2006
    • EUR 427,75 (+ EUR 10,00 shipping) in 02/2007 (lens was only zoomable manually due to some defects)
    • EUR 173,00 (+ EUR 10,00 shipping) in 02/2007 (camera sold as "untested")
    • EUR 516,00 (+ EUR 10,00 shipping) in 03/2007 (camera came with a different lens, an Angenieux 15x zoom 1,4/6-90)
    • EUR 262,00 (+ EUR 10,00 shipping) in 03/2007
    • EUR 200,00 in 09/2007
    • EUR 220,00 (+ EUR 7,00 shipping) in 01/2008 (camera sold as "untested" + came with a different lens, a Beaulieu Macro 1,4/6,9-55mm)



See the Beaulieu 6008 through 9008 comparison table collected by "Lastquark": Beaulieu 6008 to 9008 comparison

Here's a picture of a prototype of the "6008 S" which used Super8 film on 60m-daylight-reels instead of Super8-cartridges:


eBay Auctions

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