Porst Sound BSP 10

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Porst Sound BSP 10
Porst bsp10 k-1-.jpg
Porst Sound BSP 10
Model Porst Sound BSP 10
Format(s) Super8
Manufacturer Eumig
Made in Austria
Produced please add
Lamp 100W,12 V, tungsten halogen (w/dichroic reflector)
Reel capacity 180m
Playback speed 18, 24 fps
Lens(es) please add
Magnetic Sound Yes
Sound output 15W, 4ohm (internal speaker),
10W, 4-6Ohm (external)
Optical sound please add
External synch Yes
Recording Yes
Weight 11.500 g
Dimensions please add
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Original price (DM) please add
Recent prices on eBay ($US) please add
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Recent prices on eBay (€) EUR 12.50 (05/2008)
EUR 1.99 (07/2008)

Additional specs

  • Projection: forward, reverse
  • Screen size: 300 x 224mm
  • Film loading: automatic threading
  • Frequency response: 75-10,000Hz at 18fps, 75-12,000Hz at 24fps
  • Tone level: yes
  • Recording: fading sound, sound-on-sound
  • Mixing: possible
  • Input terminal: Microphone (0.3-150mV, 9kOhm), Auxiliar (50mV-3V, 470kOhm)
  • Output terminal: External Speaker (10W, 4-6ohm), Auxiliar
  • Motor: magnetic motor
  • Power source: 100-110-117-125-200-220-240V AC, 50/60Hz, 225W


Re-branded sound version of either Eumig R 2500 Instaprojection or Eumig R 3000 Instaprojection.


eBay details

Was sold as a "video projector" in the auction ending in a winning bid of EUR 1.99.

eBay Auctions

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