Agfa Movexoom 6 Sound MOS Electronic

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Agfa Movexoom 6 Sound MOS Electronic

Lens: Agfa Variostar 1,8 / 7 - 42 mm

Speed: 18 and 24 fps

Made in Germany/Japan

Manufacturer: Agfa-Gevaert

Price(s) on eBay: EUR 6,50 (+ EUR 7,00 shipping) in 01/2006


Sound-version of the Agfa Movexoom 6 MOS Electronic; pretty much the same as the Agfa Movexoom 10 MOS Electronic, but with a weaker lens.

In fact identical to the Movexoom 10 Sound MOS Electronic except for the lens, single power zoom speed and lck of macro focussing.

All Movexoom MOS Electronic cameras recognize 25/40T and 100/160T film cartridges only.


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