Template:Infobox projector/doc

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Infobox Projector
please add image caption
Model please add
Format(s) please add
Manufacturer please add
Made in please add
Produced please add
Lamp please add
Reel capacity please add
Playback speed please add
Lens(es) please add
Magnetic Sound please add
Sound output please add
Optical sound please add
External synch please add
Recording please add
Weight please add
Dimensions please add
Original price ($US) please add
Original price (£) please add
Original price (DM) please add
Recent prices on eBay ($US) please add
Recent prices on eBay (£) please add
Recent prices on eBay (€) please add


IMPORTANT: When adding this template to an article, remove ALL empty parameters for which you don't have the information for (within the syntax you use in an article, NOT in the original template!). That way, they'll read "please add" (as you see it here on the right) in order to motivate other users to add the informations if they have them. Things will get a bit easier than that as soon as we'll have parser functions like all the big wikis do.

The following informations can be added. This is the syntax to use in an article:

  | image = 
  | caption = 
  | model = 
  | format = 
  | manufacturer = 
  | made = 
  | produced = 
  | lamp = (separate all lenses by a <br> to place each entry in a new line-->)
  | reel = 
  | fps = 
  | lens = 
  | sound = 
  | output = 
  | optical = 
  | external = 
  | record = 
  | weight = 
  | dimensions = 
  | original$ = 
  | originaluk = 
  | originaldm = 
  | ebay$ = (separate all eBay values by a <br> to place each entry in a new line-->)
  | ebayuk = 
  | ebayeu = 


Many parameters of the Infobox Camera are used in the article Elmo GS 1200 Projector which makes it a good example:

  | caption = Elmo GS 1200 Projector
  | model = Elmo GS 1200 Projector
  | format = Super8/Single8
  | manufacturer = Elmo
  | made = Japan
  | lamp = 200W halogen
  | reel = up to 1200ft
  | fps = 18, 24fps
  | lens = ELMO f1:1.1/12.5 - 25mm<br>ELMO f1:1,0/12,5 - 30mm<br>ELMO f1:1.4/25 - 50mm
  | sound = Yes
  | output = 2 x 15watt
  | optical = Yes
  | external = Yes
  | record = Yes
  | originaluk = approx. £800
  | ebayeu = EUR 1.070 (10/2005)<br>EUR 1.069 (03/2007)<br>EUR 747,67 (04/2007)

As you can see in the linked article, all parameters not used in the syntax given above appear as "please add". Don't forget to remove empty parameters which you don't have the information for, as otherwise this "please add" won't appear.

Image usage[edit]

If you have no image, remove image = from the syntax, and automatically a placeholder image will be displayed asking people to add their own pictures. Please add only one image into this infobox and place other images you have of the item elsewhere within its article.

Note: You can only use images in this infobox that have been uploaded to www.super8wiki.com. You can upload pictures here.