Ligonie OSM 950 Projector
From Super8wiki
Ligonie OSM 950 Projector for 9.5mm
Year: Middle 1980's
Lens: Elmo Zoom-lens 1,4/25-50mm (also sold with with a 1,3/35mm lens)
Lamp: 24 V/250W halogen bulb
- playback: magnetic and optical sound
- magnetic sound recording facilities
- The projector also features a 1:1-impulse-connector for synchronized playback from tape
Weight: approx. 14,2kg
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Original price: approx. US$ 3000
Prices on eBay:
- eBay Germany:
- EUR 606,00 (+ EUR 9,00 shipping) in 02/2007
Some models have the parts that support the optical soundtrack, others don't. The picture is reverse on the screen with optical films (this can be corrected by using the Buhl accessory that allows to project soundies on Eiki projectors, or with a home made system with a mirror). Most models have the 18/24 speed, some have also 16 fps one.
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