Liesegang mobil-e Projector
From Super8wiki
Liesegang mobil-e Projector
Year: 1968 - ?
Lens: ?
Max. reel capacity: ?
No sound(?)
Special feature: integrated frame-marker for editing
Suggested retail price in Germany in 1968: 99,-DM (approx. 50EUR)
Prices on eBay:
- eBay Germany:
- EUR 9,00 (+ EUR 3,00 shipping) in 03/2007
Very small portable projector with integrated screen (rear projection). Can be operated with batteries and with an optional, external mains adaptor. Reel capacity seems to be very small (15m?) and the projector probably only runs at 18fps. (If you do know any details, please edit this article!)
eBay Auctions[edit]