Fujica ZC1000 New

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Fujica ZC1000 New
Fujica ZC1000 New
Model Fujica ZC1000 New
Format(s) Single8
Manufacturer Fuji
Made in Japan
Produced 1979 - ??
Lens(es) C Mount exchangeable - default lens: EBC Fujinon MA Z lens 1.8 / 7.5-75mm (Filter thread: 62mm)
Zoom Depends on lens
Macro Depends on lens
Frame rates 12, 18, 24, 36, 72fps and single frame
Exposure silicon TTL-EE, manual control, exposure adjustment (+1,+2 stop)

The exposure is semi-automatic: The exposure-meter "suggests" a F-stop which you'll have to set manually.

Focus matte glass (on-off) / aerial focus
Film speeds (ASA/ISO) ASA 25, 50, 100, 200, 400
Shutter degree 160°
Sound (striped) No
Sound (two-band) Yes
Sound (optical) No
Weight 1980g
Dimensions 80mm x 316mm x 120mm
Power supply 4x 1.5V AA (+ 4x 1.5V AA if you want to use speeds above 24fps)
Original price ($US) please add
Original price (£) please add
Original price (DM) please add
Original price (Yen) Body: 175000 Yen
Lens (EBC Fujinon MA Z lens 1.8 / 7.5-75mm): 78000 Yen
Recent prices on eBay ($US) US $700,00 (+ US $25,00 shipping) in 05/2006
Recent prices on eBay (£) please add
Recent prices on eBay (€) Germany: 160 EUR (incl. shipping) in 06/2005
Germany: 207,99 EUR (+6 EUR shipping) in 11/2005
Germany: 352,52 EUR (+ 11,00 EUR shipping) in 01/2006
Germany: 175,99 EUR (+ 7,00 EUR shipping) in 10/2007
Germany: 310,50 EUR (+ 6,90 EUR shipping) in 09/2009 (camera + lens + some accessories (compendium, angle view finder, ...))

Additional Information[edit]

Viewfinder info:

  • Mirror shutter
  • single lens reflex
  • exposure meter pointer
  • battery checker
  • film forward-reverse indicator
  • film end indicator

Other features:

  • rewind
  • reverse filming
  • digital frame counter
  • full manual bulb shooting
  • pulse-sync recording
  • tape recorder start-stop sync
  • fade-in, fade-out
  • cable release

Optional parts:

  • C-mount adapter (for CANON-FD, NIKON-F, M42, ARRIFLEX, MINOLTA, OLYMPUS)
  • interval timer
  • external battery pack
  • Wide angle lens: EBC FUJINON SW 1.8 / 5.5 - 5.5mm
  • filming crank
  • close-up lens
  • light balancing filter (LBA-12A)
  • flash sync adapter
  • T-grip
  • microphone adapter
  • pulse-sync kit (pulse sync generator, pulse sync corder, pulse cord, pulse sync controller etc.)
  • tape recorder sync cord
  • remote control cord (= magnetic release cable)
  • macro cine copier (probably requires M42 -> c-mount-adapter)
  • extension bellows
  • angle finder
  • microscope adapter


This is a Single8 camera and an improved version of the Fujica ZC1000.

Based on data assembled by Muddy Orihara and Con Koutsomitis and used by their kind permission.

More info can be found here

Repair instructions:


by Jörg Polzfuß[edit]

This is a very nice high-end camera and offers all you'll ever need. The only drawbacks are the weight (try to carry it around for 2-3 hours!), the extra batteries needed for 72fps and the only semi-automatic exposure - I tend to forget to set the f-stop correctly since all my other cameras do have auto-exposure.
In other words: This camera is the best you'll get for Single8 when you're an experienced cameraman and when you don't want to take "snap-shots". But you'll most likely get yourself another (smaller) Single8-camera with auto-exposure when you plan to shoot your next vacation on Single8.

by anonymous[edit]

by the guy who did the ZC1000 review.

There are a few differences between this "new" model and the original model.

  1. On the new model the c-mount is reinforced (?) to handle bigger lenses. I've very rarely used a different lens on this than the Fujinon, so I can't attest to this for sure, but supposedly it's true.
  2. You'll notice if you run the old models in "reverse", that the frame counter can get stuck between two frames (This never happens in "forwards"). On a couple of the new models I've used this has been fixed. However, this is easy to deal with on the old model because if the counter gets stuck between two frames, the frame you're on is always the one on top.
  3. On the back of the new model by where the handle would be connected, there's a description of what each pin on the plug does.
  4. The Lens on the old model has a zoom handle that can be screwed into/removed from a few places on the lens. The new model has a fixed zoom handle that folds down. However you can find an old model camera with a new model lens and visa versa.
  5. Minor cosmetic differences.

None of these things effect the footage or general operation of the camera. New or old model, you'll be happy either way.

eBay Auctions[edit]