Dumont Seventy-07 Projector
Dumont Seventy-07 Projector
Year: 1972 - 1988
Suited for Super8/Single8
Lens: 10mm, f 1.1
Lamp: 19 volt 80 watt, ENW/ENC (150 hours) or EKG (25 hours life)
Projection speed: 24 fps
Max. reel capacity: 400 ft (takes special cartridges instead of normal reels)
Integrated screen for rear-screen projection
Sound: Magnetic playback only
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The whole projector is foldable into a small case.
Amplifier is a circuit board that can be unplugged and has a 3 watt output into a 16 ohm speaker.
Projector was originally manufactured by Fairchild Camera & Instrument Company until about 1979. Then Dumont took over the line. Then around 1982 LaBelle took over and in 1983 Meeting Services took over the line. Production finally ended around 1988
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