Category talk:FAQ
From Super8wiki
Here are some ideas for useful FAQ areas - based on suggestions collected by CCortez in the forums.
- Introduction to the 8mm formats [General]
- Film [Film]
- Cameras [Cameras]
- Projectors [Projectors]
- Editing [Editing]
- Widescreen and Anamorphic Format [Widescreen]
- Sound [Sound]
- Transfer to Video or Digital [Transfer]
- Literature [Literature]
- Lighting [Lighting]
- Links [Links]
- Photography Basics (exposure, shutter speed, etc.) [Photography]
- Accessories (video tap, matte boxes, SuperMag) [Accessories]
- Where to Find Equipment [Shopping]
- Processing (Where, what, contact info, hand processing) [Processing]
- Animation [Animation]
- Troubleshooting, Maintenance, Repair, and DIY [Repair]