Talk:Canon 514 XL-S

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Hi. I got myself a Canon 514 Xl-S (even though it seems that I don't really have to worry about the "s" anymore) and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what kind of FILM still fits in it. I was told not to buy the Ektachrome 64 because the 514 XL-S would recognize that film as a k40. Does anyone know if that is true and is the negative film a good replacement option?


the Fuji Velvia 50D works, too. It's not available directly from Fuji, but filled into Super8-carts by several companies, e.g.:
Unfortunately the film is currently sold out everywhere. The "cinevia"-version should be available again in September.

Another film (that's even available at the moment): KAHL UT 18 Chrome

Remember that both films are daylight-films! So you'll have to disable the filter in your camera (set the switch to "bulb" instead of "sun") in any case. And when filming indoors with artificial light, you'll need to buy and use a separate external filter (Wratten 80a).

Or try any other film that is 40-50ASA or 160-200ASA, e.g. b&w-reversal: KAHL UP 24 or KODAK Tri-X 7266

Or try the e64t with the hint stated here.